5 Reasons Footwork and Hand-Eye Coordination Drills Are Important

Most of the time, when you mention footwork and hand-eye coordination drills, you will hear a collective groan from your athletes. These drills are tedious, require a lot of focus and energy, and usually come at the beginning of what athletes know is already going to be a difficult [...]

2020-10-22T16:22:12+00:00October 22nd, 2020|Sports Training|Comments Off on 5 Reasons Footwork and Hand-Eye Coordination Drills Are Important

Do You Need a Sports Trainer?

There are a lot of misconceptions out there about hiring a sports trainer. A private trainer does not try to take the place of a coach, but rather their focus is to work as a support mechanism for them. Coaches can have up to 120 athletes at any given [...]

2021-10-22T17:16:30+00:00January 28th, 2019|Sports Training|Comments Off on Do You Need a Sports Trainer?

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